1. Introduce urself Is agreement ok Success2. Definition comfortable3. language? function and its types Reverse string4. Explain format specifiers5. Difference between structure n union Relocation
Interview #2
Interview #2
1. Self introduction2. About project3. I have done internship so he asked about project done in internship4. Programs about conversion of strings from uppercase to lowercase and viceversa
Interview #3
Interview #3
1. Explain Briefly about Project2. About wipro3. Introduction4. Your Role in ur project5. Armstrong Program logic
Interview #4
Interview #4
1. Introduce your family2. Percentage till now3. Explain project And technical questions like RDBMS, Structure vs union, Primary key vs unique key, Reallocate4. Any gap and arrears
Interview #5
Interview #5
1. oops concept2. Diff. between DBMS & RDBMS3. Normalization4. How u faced a difficult situation5. Ready for relocation or not
Interview #6
Interview #6
1. Tell me about yourself2. Oops concept and explain each in one line3. What is SDLC4. Do you have a laptop5. Do you have any question for me.
Interview #7
Interview #7
1. Self-intro2. Which branch ur frontiates3. What are c and python4. What is the main () function5. What is stdio.h6. Write a program to print 1 to 10 numbers